Saturday, July 7, 2012

London - Day 7

Where has a week of holiday gone???

Today my cousin and I go to the “RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show”. It was huge – had heaps of show gardens and displays of flowers and stalls to buy things – WOW!
The Entrance
Most gardens had a story behind them and once you knew that it made the gardens make sense. The photos show the things I liked best.

The Russian Garden

Blue water in the Russian Garden
TV fallen into the garden - note the colour coming out of the tv and the black and white on either side
Beer Bottles (Bridge?) This garden was sponsored by a brewery
I found a cow at Hampton Court
Think we could do a better job of a container garden
I never knew that there were so many types of Garlic
The view down to Hampton Court
Me and my Cousin with the huge display of Chrysantemums

Just a garden I liked (not a display garden - this was in  the tent where you could buy things)
The Bee Garden - this is the closest that I am ever going to get to a bee hive
Allium flowers - they were huge!
Cactus display
I really liked these stained glass windows - but the smallest was 75  pounds!
This was a display of lavendar with one of the Olympic torches from the London 1948 Olympic Games
I didn't know that Lupins came in so many different colours
We arrived just after 11am and didn’t leave till 4pm. Then we went back to my cousins to have tea, with the plan of going to bed early as we are hoping to go to Wimbledon tomorrow.

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