Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Houston - Day 3

Breakfast today was at Denny's - yum! Bacon Strips, Hash Brown, Scrambled Eggs and Pancakes.

Then it was off to Hobby Lobby - where christmas decorations were already being sold! Saw lots of fun/crafty stuff.

Then it was off to do some shopping at the outlet mall, wow! so many shops and when you entered the shops they said hi and told you their specials - lots had 50 percent off.  While we were at the mall there was a thunder storm - which was a bit strange as the clouds stayed a light grey colour but there was lots of rain and thunder and lightening.  I bought lots of stuff I hope it will fit in my bag - hmmm!

Bling for my Crocs

After tea we went to the fireworks warehouse - another wow! moment.  So many fireworks, all with a big bang!  These are the fireworks to make a good 4th of July backyard fireworks display out of, some packs were $299!


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