Thursday, July 5, 2012

Houston – Day 5

Today is my last day in Houston so I do a few of the catch up things, like revisiting US Toys and the Mall.  I have lunch with my cousins before packing my bag (which is now a lot heavier) and heading to the airport. 

I have learnt a few other things while in Houston:  A “By you” is in fact a ditch like this one…
A bayou (I checked how to spell it on Wikipedia)
And they have four way stops, they work by all cars stopping when they get to the stop and you get to start driving again in the order that you stopped at the stop sign.  Sounds confusing but it works well.
Four Way Stop

From Houston my next stop is London, on the plane I get butter chicken for tea – it was the most delicious plane meal I have ever eaten!
Me and my plane

Best airplane food ever!

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